Despite common beliefs, good leaders are made, not born. So too, managers and supervisors are not always perfect for the positions in which they find themselves. Some just might not have the skills or the training to be a strong leader. Therefore, they turn to “old school” methods of putting fear into their subordinates rather than becoming the manager who is effective at leading others.
Leader vs. Boss
Being a leader versus being a boss is very important for the success of your department or company. Leaders will inspire their workers to succeed each day on the job. Bosses will simply delegate work and hand out orders whenever possible.
Are you are leader or a boss at your office? We take a look at that question in this post.
What Makes a Leader?
Many of you might be wondering what the skills and traits are of a good leader. A leader will always be open to learning new things. This means that he or she will always seek out knowledge regarding the industry in which they work as well as the position they hold right now.
A leader will also listen more than they talk. This includes listening to other supervisors, management above them and the workers within their department. When a leader listens, he or she will hear excellent ideas from employees that help to solve problems.
A leader will seek solutions to problems instead of just providing employees with answers to those problems. To go along with that, leaders will also encourage his or her employees instead of just criticizing them. A strong leader knows what it takes to help people improve as much as possible on the job.
Many strong leaders will point out the natural gifts of an employee during and after a project. Pointing out the strengths of an employee will help them understand areas that need improving without feeling like they are being criticized constantly.
What Makes a Boss?
Bosses can be found in companies all across the country today. It is incredibly easy to be a boss today because it does not take much effort at all. Bosses are sometimes in it just for the paycheck and to feel bigger than those working for them. Here are some warning signs that you are a boss and not a leader at work.
A boss will do everything possible to defend his or her own ego instead of showing vulnerability. When a boss refuses to show his or her weak points, it gives employees a bad vision of the manager.
Bosses tend to direct employees instead of coaching them. A boss who tells his or her employees exactly what to do does not help anyone. No one will learn or figure out how to adapt to changes when this occurs, which is why bosses are not good coaches.
Many bosses will employ a ‘me’ attitude at work instead of a ‘team’ attitude. This can cause a ton of friction within a department and even prevent projects from being completed on-time.
Advance Staffing Solutions, a leading Detroit Temp Agency, can support your goals of being a better manager and retaining the bedt employees. Find out more by visiting our website today.