Working in management can be difficult for some, especially those who do not have experience managing a team of diverse, or conflicting, personalities. Managing a team of diverse personalities does not have to be difficult, especially since it is important to the success of the company. Here, we will provide you with a variety of tips on how to successfully manage a team of diverse or conflicting personalities.
Determine Personality Types of Employees
The first thing you need to do when successfully managing a team of diverse personalities is to determine the personality type of each employee. You must figure out which employees are thinkers and which employees are feelers. A thinking employee will make a decision based on logic, while a feeling employee will use relationships in order to make a decision on the job. The best way to determine which type of personality your employees have is to watch how they react the next time someone disagrees with them.
Set the Bar High for Expectations
The next step in learning how to manage a team of diverse or conflicting personalities is to set the bar high when it comes to expectations of employees. Some employees will become bored with their work if they know their boss has set the bar low. When you set the bar high for expectations, you will get the best out of all your employees, even those who tend not to like being managed. Do your best to use the skills they have to your advantage as a manager.
Never Take Things Personally
Do everything in your power to not take things personally at work. It is understandable that working as a manager is difficult, especially since a lot of responsibility falls on you when things go wrong. Many times, employees will have trouble accepting your leadership style and requirements at the office. Do not take this personally. Instead, accept that your employees will need time to adjust to your style and that each employee responds differently based on their background.
Understand What is Important to Others
If all else fails in trying to manage a team of diverse personalities effectively, try to understand what is important to them. Find out what your employees value the most at the office and in their personal lives. Many workers want freedom at the office, trust with management and flexibility in their schedules. Each employee will want something different, so you must learn what each member of your team wants. When you do this, it makes it much easier to manage a team of diverse personalities.
Management for Diversity can be a challenge for even some of the most experienced managers. Take the time to get to know your employees, their wants, and how they have been managed in the past. It will help you put together a strong management plan.