Working from a remote location might seem like a dream come true, but it has its own set of challenges that you need to be prepared for. If you have just landed a new work from home job or you have the opportunity to work from home a couple of days a week, there are some things that you need to do to make this a successful experience. This is especially true if you have never worked it work from home before.
Follow the below seven career tips to make your work from home experience a positive and prosperous one.
1. Get your home office set up for productivity
First and foremost, it is important that you set up your home office so that you can be as productive as possible in your new job. You do not want to set up a home office and the area of your home that is high traffic or noisy. You also don’t want to set up a home office in the bedroom. Instead, select a room or area of your home that is not distracting to you and, if possible, has a door so you can close it during work hours.
2. Set clear boundaries with your family
Let your family know what your new working arrangements will be and prepare them because they may not understand your need for quiet during office hours. Don’t allow friends and family to call you during work hours. If you have young children at home, you may want to arrange for childcare. Your spouse or partner should also be on board. This can be a big adjustment for anyone and it is also important that your family understands how working from home may impact your life.
3. Understand and clarify your employer’s expectations
Unlike a regular workplace where you are face-to-face with your manager, in a work-from-home position, you may be working hundreds or thousands of miles away from your supervisor. You may rarely even travel to your work place. This is why it’s important to understand clearly what your employer’s expectations are of you. These are things like work hours, communication, handling clients, technical issues, and procedures. You will also want to work closely with your co-workers so that they understand that you are, in fact, working and available for team collaboration and meetings.
4. Separate your personal and work life
It can be very tempting she get into the habit of working 24/7 when you work from home. That’s because the presence of your work desk in your home is a constant reminder of projects and tasks that need to be completed. However, you never want to get into the habit of working more hours than you would if you worked outside the home. Set a schedule and stick to it. This includes taking regular lunch breaks and bathroom breaks as needed throughout the day. Get up and stretch every so often, and don’t forget to interact with your peers.
5. Create a task management system
When you work from home, very often you will be asked to handle a variety of tasks and projects. This is where your task and project management skills will come into play. Make sure you have an organizational system that helps you stay on track with important tasks, deadlines, and milestones along the way. Use a web-based project management system so that you can share updates with your co-workers and your boss.
6. Don’t disconnect from others
One of the biggest issues with working from home after a while is feeling isolated. It’s very important to stay connected with your co-workers and your peers when you work remotely. Schedule time each day to communicate and interact with others in your company. Join professional associations so that you can continue to network with others in your industry and your region. Make it a point to set up a lunch date at least once a week.
7. Learn to be a better communicator
It’s often unexpected, but working from home can make you feel invisible at times. This is why it is very important to develop above-average communication skills and be proactive about this communication so that you are continually in touch with your peers. Check in with your supervisor at least once a week, if not more frequently. Stay on top of tasks and bring others into your loop as you complete them.
By following the above tips you will be more successful as a work from home professional. If you need more help, or help finding a career that suits your needs, contact Advance Staffing Solutions today!