Millennials are taking over the workforce, as one of the largest group of workers since the baby boomers. They tend to bring with them unique values, including the idea that they can do anything they put their mind to. Many have pretty clear ideas about what they are interested in and what they want to be “when they grow up.” This is a generation that wants to move up the corporate ladder faster than their counterparts, and they are willing to do what it takes to get there.
While most believe that if a person works hard enough, people can live their career dreams – there is some practical wisdom to be gleaned from the experiences of others. Before you quit your day job to live out some fantasy career, read this advice first.
1. Find your passion first.
The sooner you identify what you are most passionate about, the clearer your career dreams become. In other words, get to the heart of your values before you select a career. Take a look back at your life and what you have been most interested in. What are your natural talents? What are things that are important to you? Take a personality and career assessment to dig deeper into your passions because from this place you can build a dream career.
2. Be realistic.
Learn as much about yourself as possible before you choose a career. During the personality and career assessment, which you can take through a staffing agency, you will learn what you are all about. Consider what your personality type says about the kind of career you realistically can handle. If you are a people person, for example, you will likely want to work with people. If you are not as outgoing, you may find yourself more suited for technical work behind the scenes.
3. Kiss a lot of frogs.
Just as you would in the dating world when you are trying to build a dream career you will encounter jobs that you are not well-suited for. Your first job after college, a job that you got through a family friend, an internship you had to complete – these are good experiences but they may not have been perfect for you. Try some temporary assignments to learn about what you like vs. what you don’t like as you create your best career path.
Need help chasing your career dreams? Contact Advance Staffing Solutions today, and let us place you with a great new career today!