Running a company takes a lot of blood, sweat, tears, heartache and energy. You can’t just sit back and hope success finds you. All companies, even the most successful ones, have trouble keeping employees on the payroll for various reasons. You might be wondering why your best salespeople keep leaving. Well, this is a question that too many companies have to ask on a regular basis.
You might be wondering why your best salespeople keep leaving. Well, this is a question that too many companies have to ask on a regular basis. Here are the real reasons why your best salespeople are leaving.
Few or No Growth Opportunities Offered
One of the biggest reasons why your best salespeople continue to leave your company is the fact that you provide them little or no opportunities for growth. No one wants to get stuck in the same job for their entire career. People want to climb the corporate ladder and become a manager, vice president, president or part owner. There are plenty of positions within a company that someone can aspire to during their career. Don’t limit your salespeople to just being salespeople. If you want to retain your best employees, provide them with opportunities to grow within the company.
Selfishness Reared Its Ugly Head
Selfishness has no room in the business world, especially in a company that relies on salespeople to get the job done on a regular basis. You hired these salespeople to do a job for you and they have goals they want to attain, both personal and professional. If you fail to let the employees integrate their goals into your company, you will have trouble retaining them. Get rid of selfishness immediately to keep your best salespeople in the organization.
You Take Up Too Much Time
Taking up too much time is a major factor as to why your best salespeople are leaving. Stop sending late-night emails and memos on the weekends when the office is closed. Doing this sends a message to employees that you do not value their time. A large portion of employees will answer these emails and sit on conference calls when out of work to play the game and retain their job, but it will take a toll on them, ultimately forcing them out the door to greener pastures.
You Ignore Autonomy
Companies that ignore autonomy make a major mistake. Employees want to be heard, listened to, respected and felt like they are actually part of the bigger picture when they come to work. Do not ignore what your salespeople have to say when it comes to new ideas or other thoughts. The more you acknowledge your employees, the less likely it is that they will withhold innovative ideas that might solve a problem within the company.
In order to keep your best salespeople from leaving, you need to encourage autonomy, stop the weekend emails and calls, get rid of selfishness and provide plenty of opportunities for growth. Then, and only then, will you be able to keep your best salespeople on the payroll.
Need help retaining your top salespeople, or hiring better employees? Work with the staffing professionals at Advance Staffing Solutions to find the perfect employees for your organization today!