When your business could benefit from an extra person on a short-term basis, bring in temp employees may be the ideal solution. In order to ensure that the person brought in has the highest chance to succeed, consider the following tips are part of your hiring plan.
Clearly State the Job Requirements
The first step to helping temp employees be successful is to be sure you are presented with the best candidates for the job. In order to find the best fit, make sure you clearly present your needs and expectations to the staffing consultants who are assisting with the placement.
For example, if you are looking for some help with certain accounting processes, it is more valuable to let the staffing firm know that you require someone with QuickBooks experience, instead of a vague requirement, such as computer skills. If certain knowledge areas, skills, or abilities are must-haves for the job, make sure they are mentioned clearly and specifically to ensure you are presented with the right candidates for your needs.
Orient the Temporary Employee to the Job
Even if an assignment is short-term, take the time to familiarize temp employees with the work environment, including other members of the team and any available employee facilities. Make sure they know exactly who to speak to should they have questions about the job, and let them know what is expected of them. Cover common questions including when and where breaks occur, if any meetings or appointments will occur, or if there may be changes to the hours in which they are expected to work.
Treat them like Your Other Employees
Even though a temporary employee may only be with you a short time, it is important that you treat them with the same level of respect and courtesy you give to your full-time, permanent employees. Not only will this help a temporary employee feel more like one of the team, it may also lead to a better overall performance.
Additionally, you have the same level of responsibility regarding a temporary employee’s safety as you do to your other employees. It is important that you do not ask a temporary employee to perform work in a manner that is not safe just because they are only with you a short time. Even though the temporary employee may work through an agency, you do have a level of responsibility regarding the employee’s wellbeing.
By following the tips above, you will be well on your way to ensuring your temporary employee is set on a path towards success. If you are looking for more information about hiring temporary workers or are considering bringing one into your business soon, contact Advance Staffing Solutions today for a consultation today.