Emotional intelligence is an indication of a person’s ability to properly recognize and manage their emotions, based on four key areas: empathy, relationship management, self-awareness, and self-management.
Leaders will higher levels of emotional intelligence are often more capable in stressful situations, such as contract negotiations, and often has an advantage in more positive situations. These leaders are often capable of building stronger working relationships, as well as asserting themselves in leadership roles.
If you are looking for ways to raise your emotional intelligence and the emotional intelligence of other leaders within your organization, consider these tips.
Be Aware of Your Emotions
Being aware of your emotions is a first step towards improving one’s emotional intelligence. Practice tracking how your feelings shift throughout the day and try to identify the circumstances that cause each change.
Observe how your emotions affect your communication with others in the workplace, as well as your level of productivity. The point is not to judge yourself for what you feel, or how you react, but to connect the pieces to understand how various events impacted others as your emotions change throughout the day.
After some observation and internal auditing, you will be better equipped to identify negative emotions as they occur, allowing for better management of those feelings in a way that is constructive. This does not involve trying to push negative feelings out. Instead, understand how they affect your thought processes and work to prevent negative impulses.
Be Assertive and Appropriately Expressive
While assertiveness is known to be a key characteristic of solid leadership, expressing other emotions is not always noted. It is a sign of trust, and can make those you work with feel more comfortable about speaking openly with you. Part of this technique involves knowing when it is appropriate to share these emotions, as the goal should not be to harm others when these thoughts are expressed.
Communication as a Two-Way Street
Emotionally intelligent people take an active interest in the input of others, often asking relevant follow-up questions to keep the conversation flowing. However, it is important to not jump to questioning immediately, unless it is absolutely necessary. Instead, allow the speaker to complete their thoughts, wait for an appropriate pause, and then state your inquiry. Phrase questions in ways that promote more input that a simple yes or no, and continue to ask more focused questions to dig deeper into an issue.
Take Responsibility and Be Accountable
While it isn’t always easy to do, taking responsibility for a trespass is also an indicator of an emotionally intelligent leader. While some associate admitting to a mistake as weakness, many see it as a sign of self-awareness and honesty. It also demonstrates that you understand the value of the team and that you are actively trying to make things right.
Continue to Grow
Emotional intelligence is an ever-evolving aspect of leadership. It requires attention and patience, and a level of open-mindedness and empathy. By acknowledging your emotions, and identifying their sources, you will be better equipped to manage your responses or actions in a positive way. Additionally, it will provide you with insight into the actions and reactions of others, making you a more adaptable leader within the workplace.
Advance Staffing Solutions understands the value of emotionally intelligent leaders in the workplace. With over 25 years of experience in the staffing industry, let the professionals at Advance Staffing Solutions help you build a more effective team dynamic to create a more successful workplace. Contact Advance Staffing Solutions today!