When a new light industrial employee doesn’t work out, it is easy to simply call it a bad hire and move on. But sometimes ending up with the wrong employee has more to do with the hiring process than the person who was selected. Failing to consider the role of the recruitment process means you aren’t ensuring that the next candidate selected won’t bring the same results as the first, so it is important to be open to changes.
Luckily, there are steps you can take that will practically guarantee you’ll make the right hiring decision almost every time. To help you get your industrial hiring process on track, here are some tried-and-true methods for increasing your odds of hiring the right person.
Create a Plan
Hiring a new light industrial employee requires planning because no two instances are exactly the same. Even if you are hiring for a position that is common in your organization, that doesn’t mean you can use a cookie cutter process.
First, you need to determine if any skill gaps are present. Since every employee you have brings different things to the table, it is important to consider whether the team has any gaps that need to be filled. This will give you a point of focus as you move forward.
Then, determine what needs to happen to attract a candidate with the right skills to fill those gaps. In the end, this helps you create the strongest team possible which, in an industrial environment, is often the larger goal.
Add a Phone Screening
Since you know which skills are the most important, consider narrowing down your candidate field with a quick phone screening. This helps eliminate applicants who ultimately won’t meet your needs even if they appear to have the right skills on paper. You can streamline the hiring process by only bringing in the strongest candidates for actual interviews, saving both time and hassle while still ensuring a quality match.
Check References
If you are considering candidates with previous on-the-job experience, don’t hesitate to contact their references to see how they used those skills on the job. You’ll also find out about their reliability on the job, as well as insights regarding how they fit into the culture of their prior employers.
This can serve as a great way to get foundational information about who the candidates are as individuals, instead of just a skill set on a piece of paper. So, use the time wisely and ask the questions that get you the answers you need.
Be Open About Compensation
A lot of companies hold details about compensation close to the chest. However, this can come back to hurt you if you limit the field of candidates only to later find out their salary requirements simply aren’t feasible for your company. Instead of holding these details until the end of the process, consider presenting them closer to the beginning, such as during the phone screening. That way, only candidates that are open to accepting the salary you have available will be included in the later rounds, and you don’t have to worry about finding a perfect candidate that you can’t afford.
Enlist the Help of Experts
Sometimes, the easiest way to increase your odds of hiring the perfect light industrial employee is to work with hiring experts, like the team at The Advance Group. Contact us today to speak to one of our skilled recruiters and see how working with hiring experts can get you the results you need, every time.