Hiring a new employee is a challenge. Often, you have a limited amount of time to assess a candidate before having to make a decision about whether or not to hire them for your engineering position. While most candidates won’t set off any alarm bells along the way, there are some red flags that no hiring manager should ignore. To help you spot which candidates you shouldn’t hire for a job, here are some warning signs that could indicate trouble.
Too Many Discrepancies
When you speak with a candidate, what they say and what they listed on their resume should generally align. Additionally, they should be able to cover the information regarding their skills and abilities with a reasonable amount of ease.
While a bit of nervousness is to be expected, the experience should feel right when examined as a whole. If something makes you uneasy or just doesn’t appear to add up, it could be a warning sign of trouble ahead if you move forward with a job offer.
Sharing Too Much
Most candidates will try and be thorough when answering questions, but there can come a point when it goes too far. If an applicant begins divulging information that is better left unsaid, then it could indicate a problem. For example, if an interviewee begins giving details regarding why they are unhappy with their current job, and the conversation turns negative or accusatory towards others, it may be a sign that they would speak similarly of their new co-workers if this job doesn’t go perfectly in their eyes.
Complaining About the Process
Interviewing isn’t the most comfortable experience for many, but openly badmouthing the need for this part of the hiring process isn’t an indication of a future stellar employee. While they may think they are perfect for the position, you are the one who ultimately has to decide. So, as long as you are continuing the process with a genuine interest in the candidate, they should be open to being a part of the journey. If they complain about having to interview, then they might not be the right kind of candidate for the job.
Too Much Brevity
While being focused and concise can be a good sign, candidates who are intentionally vague or cliché aren’t really answering the questions. Most applicants will be prepared to share information regarding the experiences, education, and skills, so those who don’t seem to have much to say might actually not have much to offer. One or two answers that seem a bit short might not be a big deal, especially if they fill in the gaps during the rest of the interview, but a habit of short responses might mean the candidate isn’t worth pursuing.
Interviewing isn’t always the easiest tasks, but most qualified candidates will handle the situation with professionalism and enthusiasm. If they don’t, it could be a sign that they aren’t as interested as they claim to be.
If you are looking for a new employee to join your team, The Advance Group can help you identify and screen top candidates for your position. Contact us and see what our services can do for your company today.