While it’s wise to always be optimistic during your customer service job search, not every opportunity is going to result in an offer. In an ideal world, the company or hiring manager will clearly let you know when you aren’t going to be selected, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, they choose not to reach out to every applicant regarding the status, or they just prefer to avoid the awkward conversation about the decision.
However, even when you aren’t explicitly told “no,” there are often signs that it is time to pursue other positions. Here are four ways to tell you’re not getting the customer service job.
1. The Disappearing Act
If the hiring manager was previously highly accessible and then suddenly won’t return your calls, it’s a sign that they are no longer pursuing you for the position. While it can be frustrating, the change in behavior is often caused by their priorities, such as filling the position. If they don’t think you’re the right fit, then they have likely turned their attention to evaluating other candidates and may not extend the courtesy of letting you know.
2. Contradicting Statements
Sometimes, a hiring manager, after failing to follow up in a timely manner, will provide an excuse for their sudden absence, like an illness. However, a check on their social media feed or other information source doesn’t match up to their story. When that happens, it’s best to assume that they are no longer interested in you as a candidate and just don’t have the nerve to tell you directly.
3. Constant Interruptions
Even if you do get the hiring manager on the phone, that doesn’t mean they are set to move forward with you. If there always seems to be an urgent manner that has them jumping off the phone when you call, it could be an indication that something else is happening. While everyone has an emergency from time to time, repeated instances suggest they are trying to avoid the conversation, which is often a sign they are no longer interested.
4. Evaluating Other Candidates
While there may be other interviews already scheduled after yours, actually hearing that the hiring manager “wants” to meet with other candidates first typically doesn’t bode well. Generally, if they think you’re a great fit for the position, they won’t say they “want” to see other applicants. That particular word suggests something isn’t sitting right with the interviewer and that they think that can find someone more suitable. While it isn’t a guarantee you’re out of the running, consider it an open invitation to continue your search.
If you are interested in pursuing a new customer service job, the professionals at The Advance Group can help you find the right position for you. Schedule an appointment to speak with one of our recruiters and see how our services can move your job search forward.