When is Turning Down an Engineering Job Offer the Right Call?



As you search for a new engineering job, you’ll likely encounter a few opportunities that aren’t ideal. There could be an issue with the position, company, or the salary offered that actually make saying “no” a smart move. But how do you know when turning down a position is actually the right call? Here are a few signs that declining the offer is the best way to go.

The Money Doesn’t Add Up

Most job seekers don’t have an issue turning down an opportunity when the compensation offered falls on the low side. If you can’t imagine surviving on the salary, then saying “no” is generally the right way to go. However, if the pay offered is significantly higher than you were expecting, it is important to figure out why before you accept the job.

Sometimes, surprisingly high compensation is justified for the position, but you need to be clear regarding what about the job makes that so. Is there something particularly hazardous about the work? Will the work be harder than you anticipated? Are the number of hours involved more than you thought? Is there something the company isn’t telling you?

All of the above questions could be relevant when an offer is unexpectedly high, so make sure to do some research before you decide to take the job.

The Company Has a Poor Reputation

Any company that is associated with a bad track record with their staff or customers should be considered a red flag. High turnover and disgruntled employees suggest there may be something dysfunctional in the business, and upset customers may indicate an issue with long-term profitability if people stop buying the product or service. Before you accept a job, look into the company’s reputation. And, if it seems there is only bad news being reported, it may be wise to let this one pass you by.

The Job Description is Vague

While startups may not be able to offer much specificity in regards to your role, an established company should have a clear picture regarding what your job will entail. If they aren’t able to clearly outline the expectations set for the position and what the primary tasks will be, the business may pull a “bait and switch,” changing the duties once you come through the door and leaving you stuck doing work you weren’t expecting.

If they don’t provide you with sufficient details from the beginning, feel free to request more specific information and ask for it in writing. If the company doesn’t fill in the gaps using a formal method, then consider moving on to another opportunity.

In the end, saying “no” to a job offer is appropriate if the position doesn’t seem right for you, so don’t be afraid to keep your best interest in mind. If you would like to work with a skilled recruiter to find your next job, the professionals at The Advance Group can help you explore your option. Contact us to speak with a member of our team about your career goals.






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