At some point, you may have been tempted to help out a friend by referring them to an opening at your call center. While your intentions may be altruistic, the results aren’t always easy to manage. When you take their resume to the hiring manager, you may be bombarded with follow-up questions regarding the status of their application. If they don’t get the job, you’ll likely be asked questions you can’t easily answer. And, if they are hired and don’t work out, it could potentially hurt your reputation depending on what happens.
Granted, there is a chance they’ll get the job, and it will work out great. But, if not, here are some potential ways it could backfire and what you can do to mitigate the damage.
Status Updates
If you turn in their application and they begin asking for constant updates, it can be a frustrating experience. While you want to help them out, you likely don’t have many answers regarding what the hiring manager is thinking. This leaves you in a tough position, especially if there just isn’t any information to share.
A great approach to this situation is to be honest with your friend. Let them know you turned their resume in, but the rest is out of your hands. Reassure them that, if the hiring manager is interested, they’ll be in contact when they are ready to move forward. However, also be clear that there isn’t necessarily anything else you can do.
In cases where you are able to get an update from HR, don’t feel as though you have to check in every day. If they haven’t reached out to your friend within a week, and you’re comfortable asking for an update, see if they’ll provide some information. In some cases, they won’t be able to share any details, and you can let your friend know that they won’t provide you with an update. In either case, you can also let your friend know who to contact to follow up if you are able to provide such information and leave the ball squarely in their court.
Rejected Applications
If you find out their application was rejected, stick to the basics. Let your friend know that you followed up and that they aren’t being pursued as a candidate. And, if you don’t have additional details as to why, make it clear you are sharing everything you know.
Often, you won’t be given specifics if you follow up on someone else’s application, so be honest with your friend regarding the limitations on what you can find out. If they continue to press, let them know if there is someone else they can follow up with as long as it doesn’t violate any internal rules. Otherwise, just assert there isn’t anything else you can do.
When They Don’t Work Out
When you help a friend get hired, but they end up being let go quickly, you may have some fallout to deal with yourself. A referral generally shows you have trust in an individual, and you’re attesting to their capabilities. If they don’t work out, some may wonder about your judgment, especially if they are let go for violating a policy, attendance issues, or poor performance.
If you are going to refer a friend directly, it is best only to do so when you are truly confident in their abilities. You can also avoid any of the above scenarios by informing your friend of the standard steps for applying to the position and not taking a direct role at all. That way, you aren’t involved in the details, and you don’t have to put your reputation on the line.
For more information about the potential risks of referring friends to your call center or if you want to find new job opportunities for yourself, the recruiters at The Advance Group can help. Contact us to see how our services can work for you.