Over the course of your career, you are likely going to receive a ton of advice. While not all of it is going to be as helpful as some words of wisdom you may hear, some of it can be incredibly valuable. The right piece of advice at the proper time can help you take advantage of an opportunity or otherwise keep things moving in the best direction possible. It may even allow you to avoid a critical mistake at a key moment.
Even though not all advice will apply equally to all people, there is one tidbit that everyone should be privy too. Here is the one piece of career advice that everyone should hear, regardless of their profession or industry.
Work Should Never Feel Like Work
While your job may require discipline and a significant amount of effort, that doesn’t mean it should feel like work. Ideally, when you head into your workplace, you should feel excited about what the day has in store. Obstacles shouldn’t seem like hardships but opportunities or engaging challenges. The occasional long day shouldn’t feel disruptive or frustrating, but just an occasional necessity to keep everything moving smoothly.
Now, this does not mean that you have to love every moment of your job. Every role has some aspects that you will not find enjoyable. What matter is that the good far outweighs the bad and that the idea of going to or being at work does not fill you with dread, but excitement or at least a sense of satisfaction.
Essentially, if you do not feel like you are learning or experiencing something valuable and engaging for the majority of your day, then it is appropriate to question whether you are in the right place. At times, it may be an environmental or cultural issue, and finding a new position might be a necessity. However, if you are not excited about your field, then a bigger change might be in order.
What to Do If Work Feels Like Work
If you are in a job that feels especially burdensome or tedious, you need to determine if it is just that position or company, or if you are not in a career that aligns with your priorities and preferences. For cases where it is the former, seeking out a new opportunity in your field may be the ideal approach, allowing you to secure a position that does not feel like work every day.
However, if it is the latter, then you need to examine where you are and how it compares to where you want to be. Identify which aspects of your job or career are enjoyable as well as what isn’t. Then, explore options that allow you to do more of what you like and less of what you don’t, including possibly transitioning into another specialty, field or industry.
Ultimately, the advice above is valuable for everyone, so consider it while you plan your career. If you would like more tips that could help you improve your job satisfaction, the staff at The Advance Group can help. Contact us to speak with a member of our knowledgeable team today and see how our career planning experience can benefit you. If you are looking for a new job you’ll love, click here!