Robots are a critical part of many production environments. They are touted as a revolution in the manufacturing industry, improving operational efficiency and reducing costs.
While some fear that robots are taking jobs away from hardworking people, that typically isn’t the case. Instead, these high-tech machines can spur job creation, as employees are needed to build and maintain the equipment, as well as operate it.
One job that has arisen over the years is the robotic welder operator. If you are curious about what a career in robotic welding involves, here’s what you need to know about these exciting opportunities.
What Robotic Welding Is
With robotic welding, machines assist in the production process by holding metal parts in place and completing various kinds of welds. It’s a semi- or fully-automated procedure, usually involving spot welding and arc welding.
In most cases, computers control the welding systems. However, these are not entirely autonomous machines. Employees are needed to program the computers and handle other tasks.
The Robotic Welder Operator Role
The most critical part of the robotic welder operator job is the programming of the computers that control the welding machinery. They input parameters based on the product’s or part’s needed specifications, ensuring the robot can weld various pieces together correctly.
Along with the machine operating skills, most people working in these positions also need to be skilled welders. At times, welds may need to be done by hand, so having welding experience is critical.
Robotic welder operators also need to be able to read blueprints and schematics, perform a variety of calculations, and use a computer interface. Additionally, attention-to-detail is a must, both for ensuring mistakes are not made and for checking the quality of the welds once they are finished. Other duties may include using precision measuring instruments, performing machine maintenance, and keeping the robotic welder supplied.
How to Become a Robotic Welder Operator
Most professional robotic welder operators have formal training. Along with coursework in welding, they may have taken machine operation classes as well. In many cases, employers prefer candidates who have completed a related vocational training program. However, it may be possible to transition into these roles after working in similar positions.
Having a welding certification can be a great way to separate yourself from other candidates. Not only does it show that you know how to complete the welds manually, but also that you understand what a high-quality weld is and how the outcome should look. This can be critical for quality-control aspects of the job.
It is anticipated that demand for robotic welder operators will grow over the coming years, particularly as more companies look for opportunities to automate portions of their production processes. Are you looking for a robotics welding career? If so, the team at The Advance Group can help. Contact us today to learn more about exciting opportunities in the robotics welding field and see how our services can help you get your career off on the right foot.