When you start a new job, making a great first impression is critical. You’ll be setting the tone, giving your manager indications of what they can expect now that you’re working in the role.
While you may assume that asking questions would work against you, that isn’t necessarily the case. Some can help you solidify yourself as a skilled, considerate professional, ensuring you begin your time with the company on your new boss’s right side.
If you want to boost your reputation, here are some thoughtful questions that are worth asking your manager whenever you start a new job.
How Are You Today?
This is technically a question you should ask regularly. Many managers feel unseen or underappreciated, or that the fact that they may be stressed doesn’t matter to those around them. By inquiring about how your boss is doing, you are making them feel seen. Plus, it can lead to a dialog that may allow you to discover new details about your role, the company, and other opportunities to get involved.
Just make sure you don’t expect your boss to divulge a ton of details immediately. Initially, your goal should simply be to use this question as a rapport-builder. It’s a polite thing to ask, so make sure you do so regularly.
What Goals Do You Have for My First Week/Month/Year?
If you want to be a top performer, you need to exceed expectations. But that’s incredibly tricky to do if you don’t know the goals your manager has set for your position.
By asking them to outline their objectives, you can learn more about their expectations and priorities. Additionally, you’ll have a chance to ask clarifying questions to ensure you understand their goals and learn about the next steps you can take to shine. Along the way, you’ll also make the impression that you’re a forward-thinker who wants to hit the ground running, and that can work in your favor.
What is Your Preferred Communication Method?
Often, communication is critical if you want to avoid workplace conflicts. By asking your manager how they prefer to communicate, you can learn about the mechanisms they use most and least. Further, it gives you a chance to avoid missteps, like assuming they have an open-door policy when they don’t.
Along with asking for a general preference, see if they favor another approach in different scenarios. For example, would they rather hear about an emergency in person? Do they like their employees to send calendar requests for more extended conversations or touch base before reaching out to schedule?
Essentially, this is an opportunity to get on the same page as your manager. You’ll know what approaches they prefer, giving you a chance to use them and support better communication.
Ultimately, each of the questions above can help you make a good impression at your new job. If you’d like to learn more about how you can shine from day one, the team at The Advance Group can help. Contact us today and see how our expertise can benefit you.