Burned Out from Working at Home? Try This!

COVID-19 led to an unprecedented situation. As shelter-in-place orders began to emerge, many companies had little choice but to send their employees home, launching telecommuting programs to maintain operations. While many professionals thrive when working remotely, the stress of the situation and lack of in-person contact can be draining. As a result, burnout is also incredibly common.

Luckily, it is possible to overcome this kind of burnout. If working at home is getting you down, here are some tips that can help you recover.

Embrace the Right Routines

When you work from home, it’s easy to let your professional and personal lives blur together. Your office is mere steps away, so you may end up feeling like you always have to be on, or that squeezing in one more email isn’t a big deal.

Additionally, your eating and sleeping patterns may shift. At times, this could be due to having to handle your professional responsibilities along with personal obligations, like assisting children who are going to school remotely. However, it can be caused by merely remaining inside your house all day, every day, harming your ability to track time as effectively.

Thankfully, many of these challenges can be overcome by establishing various routines. For example, speak with your boss about your schedule to define your work hours and when you’re expected to respond. Outside of those hours, turn it all off, ensuring you have a chance to rejuvenate.

You may also want to schedule your breaks and lunch in your calendar, setting reminders that encourage you to get up, move around, and have a healthy meal. Establishing a nighttime routine can help you prepare for a good night’s sleep, ensuring you get enough rest.

Make Room for “Me Time”

Many professionals are surprised at how difficult it can be to squeeze in some “me time” when working from home. This is particularly true if you have children who are going to school remotely or are living with other adults who are telecommuting. It often feels like there is a lack of space. Plus, you might struggle to justify taking time to yourself when you’re not going to an office.

However, “me time” is essential. It gives you a chance to relax, recenter, or do something you enjoy. When you’re fighting against burnout, that’s critical.

Try to carve out 10 to 15 minutes twice a day for yourself. Whether you spend it drinking a cup of coffee and reading in the morning, meditating in the afternoon, or taking part in a hobby in the evening is less relevant than making the time for you to do you.

Reach Out to Your Manager

When you’re working from home, your manager may not be able to quickly determine if you’re struggling. They can’t stop by your desk to check-in or gauge your mood during a meeting.

If you think you’re suffering from burn out, reflect on the potential cause, and brainstorm possible solutions. Then, schedule a meeting with your manager and speak up. By doing so, you may adjust part of your work paradigm to lessen feelings of burnout.

Plus, you’ll get critical support. Your manager might be able to help you overcome challenges that are leaving you stressed and frustrated, but you’ll only find out if you are open and honest about how you are doing.

Ultimately, burnout can happen to professionals who are working from home. With the tips above, you can overcome it, allowing you to regain your focus and improve your mindset. If you’d like to learn more, the staff at The Advance Group can help. Contact us today.






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