Everyone knows that securing a new job can be challenging. Watching a friend or family member struggle to find an opportunity isn’t easy. Luckily, you don’t have to sit back and do nothing. Instead, you can refer them to The Advance Group.
By referring friends and family members to The Advance Group, you not only help them find a new position, but you can also earn rewards. If you know someone looking for a job, here’s what you need to know about The Advance Group’s referral program.
How to Submit a Referral
If you want to refer a friend or family member to The Advance Group, the process is incredibly straightforward. Often, it takes a little as two minutes to complete the process.
Head to the Refer a Friend page on The Advance Group website, and scroll down to find the simple form. Begin by providing your first and last name, as well as your contact phone number. That way, our team knows who is submitting the referral.
After that, you’ll provide your friend or family member’s information. Along with their first and last name, also include a contact phone number, including their area code.
You’ll also need to choose a preferred branch from the dropdown menu. Typically, you’ll want to select the office location that’s closest to where your friend or family member lives.
Next, choose a job type from the dropdown. There are three options available – general labor or production, skilled trades, and office – administrative. Simply select the one that seems like the best fit based on the kind of work your friend or family member is trying to land and their existing skillset.
Finally, you can list any questions or comments that you’d like to share. This can include insights about the referred person’s skills, their job search preferences, times when they are available to speak with our team, or anything else you may find helpful.
Once all of the information is complete, click Submit Referral, and you’re done.
Refer a Friend Rewards
While helping a friend or a family member find an exciting work opportunity is its own kind of reward, The Advance Group also offers you more. After the person you refer works 80 hours with The Advance Group, you’ll both receive a $50 gift card. That’s a $50 bonus for each of you.
And it isn’t a one-time reward. You can score a $50 gift card for every person you refer. As long as they work at least 80 hours through The Advance Group, every referral is eligible for the bonus.
Plus, by referring a friend or family member, you can get an entry into our drawing for free rent (up to $750). As long as the referred person is on an assignment when the drawing occurs, you may be eligible to win.
Every referral gets you an additional entry into the drawing. If you refer five friends or family members and they are all on assignment when the drawing happens, you’ll have five chances to win the prize.
Ultimately, our referral program is a win-win. Not only will you make it easier for friends and family to find work, but you’ll earn rewards, too. If you’d like to learn more, the team at The Advance Group wants to hear from you. Contact us or submit a referral today to get started.