The classic Monday through Friday, 9-to-5 job (or 8-to-5, as the case often is) is the perfect fit for many people. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the best schedule for everyone. Some people are far more productive if they can sleep later and work through the afternoon and into the evening or night. Others flourish after dark.
In some cases, a 9-to-5 job is a bad fit because of personal or educational obligations. For example, a parent may need to care for a child during the day until another family member is available to take over. Similarly, a student might not be available during class hours, which more commonly occurs during the day.
Regardless of the reason, the fact remains that 9-to-5 isn’t universally the best fit. Instead, professionals may have a slew of justifications for needing something different. If you’re in that group, you may worry that finding a great opportunity isn’t possible. Fortunately, with help from The Advance Group, it’s far easier than you’d expect.
Non-9-to-5 Job Opportunities Through The Advance Group
At the Advance Group, our recruitment team fills a range of positions. Along with traditional Monday through Friday, 9-to-5 roles, we help companies find excellent candidates for other shifts.
One of the most widely available alternatives is a second or swing shift. Typically, these jobs begin near midday or in the early afternoon, carrying through until the late evening or early nighttime hours. That can make them a perfect option for those who need a job outside of school hours or are simply at their best later in the day.
Another option that some professionals prefer is a third or night shift. The workday usually begins after dark with these positions, typically in the late evening or early nighttime. Then, they last into the morning hours of the next day. Along with being a solid choice for most productive at night, they can work well for those who need to rotate childcare or other similar responsibilities with another household member.
Along with alternative schedules, The Advance Group has job openings that aren’t traditional Monday through Friday roles. Weekend shifts are one example, as some companies have workweeks that include Saturday, Sunday, or both.
However, this can also include compressed workweeks. For example, you may find jobs that use four 10-hour days instead of five eight-hour days, allowing you to work fewer days while still getting full-time hours. You may get a set schedule, such as Monday through Thursday every week, or the company may use a rotating approach, such as having all employees do four days on followed by four days off.
Ultimately, The Advance Group has plenty of opportunities for professionals looking for something other than a classic 9-to-5 job. If you’re looking for an alternative schedule, the team at The Advance Group wants to hear from you. Contact us to speak with one of our recruiters and learn more about today’s current job openings.