Should You Tell Your Boss You’re on the Job Hunt?

Deciding to find a new job is a significant decision in its own right. However, many professionals preparing to walk that road also have another choice they need to make; deciding whether or not to clue their boss in about their job hunt.

In some cases, it may seem polite and professional to let your manager know you’re considering exiting. However, doing so comes with significant risks and could backfire on you. If you’re wondering what the drawbacks are and if there is ever a situation where you should tell your boss you’re searching for a job, here’s what you need to know.

Deciding Whether to Tell Your Boss About Your Job Hunt

Overall, there are far more drawbacks than benefits to letting your boss know that you’re searching for a new position. First, your manager might interpret it as a threat. Essentially, it seems like you’re using your possible exit as a form of leverage, hoping they’d try to entice you to stay. Even if that isn’t the case, that’s usually how it comes across.

Second, it’s essentially an open admission that you aren’t satisfied with your role. That could lead your boss to question your level of commitment and may prompt them to act proactively. They may start searching for your replacement, even if you aren’t close to having an offer yet. Additionally, you’ll likely be among the first to go if staffing reductions become necessary.

Finally, telling your boss about a job search often means missing out on any exciting upcoming projects. Your manager isn’t going to give you tasks that you might walk away from because of a job offer. Instead, you could be relegated to mere busy work.

If you’re wondering whether there’s ever a time when telling your boss is a wise move, there are some situations where speaking up is okay. For example, if you’re on a contract that’s about to expire and your manager has confirmed you’ll be leaving, let them know that you’re seeking opportunities that align with the end of the contract. You can arrange to have them be a reference in advance, or they may tap their network to help you out.

The same can be true if layoffs are on the horizon due to demand shifts. If it’s clear your position may be cut, your boss likely understands your need to line something else up and may even offer their support.

Keeping Your Job Search Private Without Sacrificing Results

Since the drawbacks of informing your manager outweigh any possible benefits in most cases, keeping your job search private is wise. By partnering with The Advance Group, keeping your job search activities discreet is simple. Your recruiter will work with you to ensure you can find a new right-fit position without cluing in your manager. You can keep handling your existing responsibilities without missing out on engaging projects or risking an earlier-than-desired exit.

If you’re ready for a private job search, the team at The Advance Group wants to hear from you. Contact us today.






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