Having a reliable manager is essential in any light industrial workplace. Strong leadership ensures you’re set up for success. Plus, it creates a less stressful environment, even if the work itself is challenging.
With a toxic manager, the opposite is true. Confusion and frustration often abound, and you may struggle to shine simply because you aren’t getting the right kind of support and guidance.
By learning the traits of a toxic manager, you can determine if a workplace is genuinely capable of meeting your needs. Here are some signs that your manager may be toxic.
Poor Communication and Unclear Expectations
Clear communication and expectations are essential for success in any role. If you don’t know what your manager wants or where priorities lie, you’ll have trouble managing your tasks in the proper fashion. When communication is poor, you aren’t fully informed about the state of the project, department, or company, potentially causing you to focus on the wrong areas or handle responsibilities in a way that doesn’t align with new goals.
In many cases, poor communication and unclear expectations are signs of a toxic manager. You’re not being set up for success. Additionally, you may get punished for missteps purely because you aren’t well informed.
A Leadership Style That Relies on Micromanaging
Micromanaging a team breeds distrust. It suggests that the manager isn’t confident in their employees’ capabilities, causing them to assert an unnecessary amount of control over how work is done and spend too much time picking apart the processes employees use to handle their responsibilities.
Typically, micromanaging is a classic sign of management toxicity. The manager isn’t being helpful; they’re being domineering, often to the degree that hinders productivity instead of boosting it.
Stealing Credit for Other People’s Work
While a good boss may take responsibility for missteps made by their team, they also give credit where it’s due. Suppose a manager is consistently acting as if every accomplishment by an employee is their own and not ensuring that colleagues know who contributed to that success. In that case, they’re exhibiting signs of toxic behavior.
If that manager also throws employees under the bus when things go awry, the situation is even direr. They’re taking credit for the positive outcomes without shouldering any of the burdens for less-than-ideal results, building frustration and breeding distrust.
Playing Favorites with Assignments or Criticism
While managers may have favorite team members, showing it is a sign of toxicity. If a manager consistently gives the best projects to a select few without clear justification or downplays mistakes made by some workers but not others, that’s a red flag.
Similarly, highlighting the accomplishments of certain employees but ignoring the efforts of others is also troubling. It creates an environment where some are being treated differently, a situation that leads to distrust, disengagement, and frustration.
Ultimately, a manager that exhibits any of the traits above may be toxic. Finding a new role is a wise move if you’re experiencing those in your workplace. It allows you to transition into a healthier workplace, where you’ll be valued and respected for your efforts.
If you’re ready for a new job, the team at The Advance Group wants to hear from you. Contact us today.