Balancing Seasonal Fun with Productivity in the Workplace

It’s nearing the еnd оf thе year аnd lіkе mоѕt businesses, уоu аrе trуіng tо wrap uр а bunch оf projects bеfоrе January. It’s а time whеn аll оf уоur employees nееd tо bе focused аnd dedicated tо thеіr jobs, but аt thе ѕаmе time, there’s nо оthеr time оf year durіng whісh thеу аrе […]

Increase Employee Productivity through Trust

Finding new methods to increase employee productivity in today’s fast-paced, technology-lasden world can be very difficult. Companies are looking for new ideas on a daily basis, but we think we have the ultimate solution; use trust. When you trust your employees, they are more likely to be productive because they will know how much you […]

5 Ways To Increase Retention Of Top Performing Employees

Employee turnover can be costly to employees and is of great concern to HR departments.  Replacing workers requires time and resources in both advertising a vacancy and interviewing candidates. There is also the cost of training new employees and the time to learn job duties. Costs in lost production from workers who leave, are another […]