Why Does Hiring Take SO LONG?

When you need a new employee, dawdling isn’t typically on the table. However, even if you’re incredibly motivated, that doesn’t mean your hiring process will go quickly. It can often seem like finding the ideal candidate is closer to a marathon than a sprint, regardless of whether you’re acting with a sense of urgency. But […]

Is Your Hiring Process Effective?

  Businesses spend a significant amount of time and energy reviewing many of their processes and procedures. However, the hiring process isn’t one that typically gets much attention; and that can be a mistake. Failing to audit your hiring mechanisms means you could be putting effort into the wrong segments of the process. Or worse, […]

It’s a Candidate Market – Speed Up Your Hiring Process to Hire the Best Ones!

  Hiring processes have lengthened over time.  Many businesses have expanded their requirements to include more than a simple interview.  Some have introduced group interviews, candidate presentations, multiple interview rounds, skills testing, and various skills or personality tests.  As of 2015, the length of the average interview process was estimated at over 22 days. If […]

Your Hiring Process Should Be All About Your Candidates

  In the last year, it’s become increasingly apparent that it’s a candidate-driven market. It’s only going to continue as unemployment rates drop and new companies move into the Detroit, MI area. With this in mind, when is the last time you looked at your company’s hiring process from the perspective of candidates? Do you […]