Every workplace has its fair share of unhappy employees. In some cases, they are simply dissatisfied with aspects of their role or with their boss. In others, personal challenges are impacting their overall mood, influencing how they feel about every part of their life.
Regardless of the reason, it is still important for managers to act swiftly when they spot an unhappy employee. Otherwise, their view may spread through the organization, negatively impact productivity, or simply aggravate their team.
If you have an unhappy employee in your midst, here is how to handle the situation.
Create Avenues for Unhappy Employees to Share Feedback
When workplace or position-related issues are the core reason behind a worker being dissatisfied, the situation can only be corrected if the right people are aware of the problem. When you can address their primary concerns internally, you can create a better environment and working conditions, increasing the odds their mood will turn around.
Ideally, you want to have several mechanisms where employees can provide feedback. Along with speaking directly with their manager, offer a few alternatives (including at least one anonymous approach) that allow them to express their feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Then, make sure all feedback is reviewed regularly so that action can be taken in a timely fashion.
Offer the Right Training
Issues like workplace bullying and discrimination can be incredibly damaging to morale. In order to help prevent these problems from occurring, continuing, or spreading, offering training in appropriate workplace behavior is a must.
Make sure that you inform employees of any rules and standards governing behavior, including related laws and regulations as well as company expectations. Ideally, this should be part of the onboarding process as well as ongoing, particularly since standards can change over time.
Managers should also participate in additional training focused on learning the signs of problems in the workplace. Additionally, these educational sessions should cover expectations regarding how they should intervene and what steps need to be taken if an incident does occur.
Plan for a Sudden Outburst
At times, unhappy employees vent their frustration publicly and loudly. It may simply be a moment where they want to air a grievance, though, in worst-case scenarios, it can also lead to threats of violence or violent actions.
While this is often viewed as a rare possibility, being ready for what may occur is beneficial. Make sure the company has plans in place to respond to various situations before an incident happens, including the sending of emergency communications, when law enforcement needs to be contacted, and other crisis response planning steps.
By following the tips above, you can be ready to handle unhappy employees regardless of how the situation unfolds. Additionally, you can prevent certain issues from occurring in the first place, creating a more positive culture.
If you would like to know more about managing employee morale, the team at The Advance Group can help. Contact us to speak with a member of our experienced staff today and see how our expertise can benefit you.