Light Industrial & Manufacturing Staffing
in Ohio and Michigan

Discover why we're one of the top manufacturing staffing agencies in Toledo, Southgate and Monroe.

4.6 Stars on Average


4.6 Stars on Average


4.4 Stars on Average


Recruit BETTER People With a Top Manufacturing Staffing Agency

Our manufacturing recruiters in Ohio and Michigan know that filling light industrial and manufacturing jobs is rarely simple. If you cannot identify the right employee for a role, your business’ productivity can suffer. You also put yourself in danger of falling behind the competition in a highly competitive light industrial and manufacturing market.

The Advance Group has manufacturing staffing agencies in Toledo, Southgate, and Monroe. We make it easy for companies to connect with top light industrial and manufacturing talent, any time they choose.

Our Light Industrial and Manufacturing Staffing Services Include:

Access to Highly Qualified Candidates

As one of the top manufacturing recruitment agencies in Ohio and Michigan, we help you fill jobs with qualified candidates that align with your expectations. First, we learn about your business and its open industrial and manufacturing jobs. We then vet talent on your behalf. If we find someone who may be a good candidate for a role, we'll let you know. And if a candidate turns out to be a great fit, you can add this individual to your team.

Outstanding Communication

We keep the lines of communication open. As our manufacturing job recruiters look for candidates to fill roles in your business, we provide regular updates. We also encourage you to reach out any time you have concerns or questions, too. Our team is always happy to share information and insights with you so you can achieve the best-possible talent recruitment results.

A Better Night's Sleep!

If you've previously struggled to stay fully staffed, put The Advance Group's manufacturing staffing services to work for you. Our team will find quality candidates to fill your critical light industrial and manufacturing roles. Meanwhile you can focus on running your business.

Want to Find a Light Industrial or Manufacturing Job You Love?

We have manufacturing employment agencies in Toledo, Southgate, and Monroe that connect job seekers with outstanding career opportunities. Our light industrial and manufacturing recruiters will learn about your career interests and goals to help you find the perfect job.

Our job board is always up to date with our latest openings. Sign up for alerts if you’re looking for your next job or a better job…..

Furthermore, you can submit a job application at your convenience. After we receive your application, we can send you updates on light industrial and manufacturing roles that meet your requirements.

In addition, our recruiters won’t take shortcuts. We work diligently to help you land your dream job in the light industrial and manufacturing sector. Once we do, you’ll be able to enjoy your job and take the next step forward in your career.

Some of the Light Industrial and Manufacturing Jobs We Recruit For:


Warehouse Worker

Factory Worker

Quality Control Inspector


Machine Operator


Partner with The Top Manufacturing Recruitment Agency in Ohio and Michigan

If you want to find or fill jobs, partner with The Advance Group, a leader among manufacturing recruitment agencies in Toledo, Southgate, and Monroe. Contact us today.

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we've helped find BETTER jobs!

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BETTER results with The Advance Group.


Insights for job seekers and employers alike.