Many companies have onboarding programs designed to welcome new employees to the company during the first few weeks on the job. Yet, they forget that temp employees can also benefit from an onboarding process.
Multiple workplace studies have shown that when temporary employees have access to onboarding support, they often perform to higher standards sooner and they stay actively engaged in their assignments. The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) released a report that advised that almost half of all new hires quit within the first 4 months on a new job when an onboarding process is not offered. On the other hand, when onboarding of temporary employees is part of the formal orientation program, the benefits to organizations include:
- Saves co-workers the time and hassle of training all new temporary employees, increasing productivity from day one.
- Clears up any miscommunication about the job itself, and demonstrates the reason behind all temporary assignment tasks.
- Improves overall morale for the entire workforce, while showing the temp employee that he or she is a valued part of the company.
A temporary employee onboarding program does not have to be a complex one. In fact, putting together a temp worker onboarding process can be accomplished in 4 ways.
#1 – Create a welcome package specifically for all new temps.
The first day in a new assignment can be intimidating for temps. You can help to alleviate any stress and create a structured temp onboarding process by putting together a welcome package for temps. In this welcome package include: a welcome letter that overviews the company, a job description and task list, new hire paperwork, employee handbook, technology instructions, safety guidelines, and a directory of workplace contacts.
#2 – Schedule an orientation week that includes participation from supervisory team.
Temps often fare better if they are provided with a thorough orientation during the first week at least (sometimes more depending on their role). Create a schedule for this orientation and work with your supervisory team to best cover all aspects of the new temp’s job duties. Clearly explain and demonstrate every task. Go over company policies and procedures in depth. Set goals for temps and make the supervisors accountable for their success.
#3 – Set up a mentor for each temporary staffer for on-the-job guidance.
Before a temp has reported for work, have a voluntary member of your team assigned as a mentor. This person can oversee any challenges that the temp has, offer guidance for performing tasks, and help the temp with any troubleshooting at work. Over time, the temp will become self-reliant and the mentor will help facilitate their integration into the team structure.
#4 – Regularly provide feedback to the temp employee and staffing agency.
Each week, meet with the mentor and supervisory team to gather feedback on the progress of the temp. If you are getting negative feedback, relay this back to your staffing agency so they can schedule an on-site visit to work with the temp to improve. In rare cases, a temp may need to be replaced, but very often a little extra support can help bring them up to speed quickly.
If you are looking for temp agencies in Monroe MI, contact us today.