When you need to fill part-time jobs, turning to retirees could be a smart move. Often, experienced retired professionals can be assets to any team, boosting cumulative productivity and helping the company thrive. If you’re wondering why retirees are such a vital addition to a workforce, here’s a look at five benefits of hiring retirees for part-time work.
1. Highly Skilled
By hiring a retiree, you get access to a professional with an entire career’s worth of experience. They haven’t just spent years building their skillsets; they may have been in the field for decades. As a result, there are likely few challenges they haven’t encountered and overcome. Additionally, they may have knowledge that isn’t part of your current team’s understanding.
2. Strong Work Ethics
Retirees often have solid work ethics. When they commit to a project or part-time position, they fully intend to see it through. Along with that dedication, absenteeism among older workers tends to be lower. As a result, you know you can count on them.
3. Better Matches
When a retiree applies to a part-time position, the odds that they’re an excellent match for the role are higher than it may be with younger workers. Often, older professionals are fully aware of their capabilities. As a result, they’ll focus on positions that genuinely align with what they bring to the table.
Additionally, the job isn’t something they intend to use as a stepping stone. This makes them more likely to concentrate on opportunities that align with their needs and preferences. That can lead to higher job satisfaction, which in turn can boost productivity.
4. Less Training
Generally speaking, experienced retired professionals won’t require as much training as a younger worker may. They’re already familiar with industry standards and common practices, so they might not need as much guidance to reach full productivity. Additionally, they may have spent time working for various companies to adapt to a new environment with greater ease.
5. Different Motivations
When retirees apply for part-time jobs, their motivations tend to differ from those of younger workers. Often, one of the core reasons for securing part-time work is to remain a contributor. Maintaining a social connection within their community may also be a priority and staying active physically or intellectually.
There are certainly situations where one of the motivations is financial. However, retirees are typically trying to fill a specific monetary gap, focusing on jobs that provide precisely what they need to remain comfortable. However, while they may certainly need the money, company-provided benefits may be less important, particularly if they have advantages like medical coverage already squared away.
In the end, the list above shows five clear reasons why hiring retirees for part-time positions is a wise move. If you’d like to learn more about how your company can hire smarter, the team at The Advance Group wants to hear from you. Contact us today!