Becoming a temporary worker can be an ideal solution for candidates who are either unable to find a permanent position or for those who are “trying on” jobs before settling on a specific career. Temporary workers can enjoy above average wages, flexible work hours and a wide variety of different tasks to be found at each assignment. Additionally, many companies choose to keep down hiring costs by only hiring candidates through temporary staffing agencies.
There are some temping dos and don’ts for handling this correctly so that it will be a positive experience for all. Here are some tips for temping the right way.
Do – Apply to the Best Temporary Staffing Agencies
It’s always a good idea to have several options in your employment by registering for work with several quality temporary staffing agencies, such as Advance Staffing Solutions. That’s because the best staffing companies are contacted by upper level companies and can offer a wider variety of assignments at higher pay scales. The larger staffing companies take the time to get to know you, your needs to match you up with the best assignment. They also very often offer employee benefits and bonus programs.
Don’t – Go Overboard and Register for Every Employment Agency in Town
You may think you should apply everywhere, but this will backfire. This is because you may find yourself being offered below average wages by staffing companies that don’t have a solid reputation in the business. Remember that the smaller agencies are usually competing with each other for business and so they will take any and all assignments to try to place people in roles that they may not be 100% suitable for. You could find yourself in an assignment you don’t like with little pay going this route.
Do – Keep in Touch with Your Agent at the Temporary Services Company
The person to whom you will be reporting to, as a temporary worker can be your best ally if you know how and when to communicate. Be sure to touch base with your agent at least once per week, and always respond quickly to phone calls or emails for the best chance of getting great assignments. If your personal information or work status changes, be courteous and let your agent know as soon as possible.
Don’t – Call Your Agent Daily To Nag Them for Work
This tactic has been used in the past by ill-fated temporary workers. If you call your temporary agent daily, all you do is annoy them and you most likely will never get called for an assignment, Remember that you are not the only person looking for work and that for every minute you are on the phone trying to make the recruiter feel guilty about your lack of work could be a minute spent contacting companies looking for more assignments. Be kind and respect the time of the recruiter you are working with.
Do – Arrive at Your Assignment on Time, Dressed and Ready for Work
This is actually a grave mistake that new temporary workers have made. The key to being successful in a temp job is to show up for work at the agreed upon time, in fact be early for your shift! Make sure you find out what the dress code of the assignment calls for, whether it is business casual or steel toes boots. Be dressed and ready to work on the morning of your assignment. Have your notebook and pen ready to take notes, and leave the personal business behind when you get to the temp assignment.
Don’t – Lie About Your Background
The vast majority of temporary staffing agencies make a concerted effort to always check the background of all of their candidates. This can mean checking past work references, educational and training credentials, and running a criminal background check and drug test. If you think you can get an assignment by not revealing something shameful in your past, think again. Lying will not only waste the recruiter’s time, it can also cost you in the form of background and drug test fees which some agencies are passing along to candidates who try to fool them.
Do – Take Advantage of the Training and Resources at the Staffing Company
Along with placing candidates into rewarding temporary assignments, many staffing companies offer a wide range of other training and information services for job seekers. This is to help candidates to put their best foot forward, to brush up on work skills and ace interviews. Some agencies even offer resume and cover letter help, skills testing and job search counseling. Take advantage of these services and you will be more successful in your job search.
If you would like to learn more about great temporary assignments, be sure to visit the Job Seekers portal we offer at Advance Staffing Solutions today!