To celebrate Crystal Seibert’s 4th year with The Advance Group, we sat down with her for a Q & A session. Here are a few highlights to enjoy:
Q: What is the one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A: I am a Military Verteran. I proudly served in The United States Air Force.Q: What charities do you support?
A: I support the local DAV. The DAV is the Disabled American Veterans. It is a group of Military Veterans that fundraise and go through training to help support Disabled Veterans. The DAV helps disabled Veterans get the Medical Care and Benefits that they have earned. My Father (a retired Navy Chief) started our local unit here about 5 years ago.Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?
A: My spare time is all family time. We fill our family time with lots of things…Singing,dancing, playing instruments, painting/drawing, Nerf gun wars(these are my favorite), and board games. We try to make every moment together count!
Crystal performs Business Development with The Advance Group’s Southgate, Monroe and Dundee branches. Happy Anniversary, Crystal!