To celebrate Heather Fisher’s 7th year with The Advance Group, we sat down with her for a Q & A session. Here are a few highlights to enjoy:
Q: What is the best advice you’ve been given?
A: My dad taught me that every person in the world is unique and has something special to offer. It’s my choice as to whether I take the time to discover that in people or miss out. When I was younger, I used to tease my dad that he would talk to anyone. Now, my husband says that same thing about me. Some of my best conversations have been with complete strangers. I have gained some great wisdom through the years. This picture is the last one that I took with my dad. It is a constant reminder to keep being me and looking for the good in others.
Q: What brings you the greatest satisfaction?
A: Checking items off of a task/to do list. If I complete a task that wasn’t on the list, I write it down just so I can check it off.
Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?
A: Go hiking with my husband, Jeff, and our 2 dogs, Thane and Beatrice. It always relaxes me and provides time to connect.
Heather is a Human Resources Coordinator and works in Corporate. Happy Anniversary, Heather!