It can be very difficult for busy, distracted employees to remain productive during a hectic season at the office simply because they can get very distracted by all the holiday festivities, family commitments, and other aspects of their lives. Employees can also become overwhelmed to the point of running out of steam. When this happens, it is up to the company to turn things around and keep employees as productive as possible. Below, we will discuss the best methods for keeping employees productive during the busy season.
Add a Little Fun to the Office
When you make it fun to come to work, employees will remain focused and productive during the busiest season for your company. There does not need to be a pizza party each week or decorations hanging from the ceiling, but a little bit of fun never hurt anyone. Start by creating a fun committee that will be responsible for coming up with ideas to have fun at the office.
Make it a point to host group events that build relationships, offer bonding and help employees build trust in each other. Try to make sure all of your employees take part in the fun events planned and even celebrate accomplishments as a whole team — not just departmentally or in groups.
Be Flexible
Remind your employees of the company’s goals when the busy season rolls around and then be flexible when possible. For example, if your employees are submitting projects ahead of schedule, consider offering them some flexible scheduling. Let them leave early on Fridays, or come in a little later on Monday mornings. You could also provide them with a four-day workweek or even extra paid time off.
Keep Communication Open
Do your best to keep the lines of communication open with employees during the busy season. The more you communicate with employees, the likelier it is that they will be able to achieve the goals set by the company. Communication will also help with prioritizing workloads either by delegating to other departments or even outsourcing the work to another firm.
You need to be as approachable as possible so employees will be honest with you when asked about status updates on their projects. When you are not open with employees, it forces them to fall behind on projects because they might not feel comfortable seeking out your help for any issues that arise.
There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel
Always remind your employees during the busy season that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This will help them stay focused on the tasks at hand and meet their goals. When they know there is a slowdown in work coming, they will be more likely to work harder now. You should also consider bringing in temporary workers to lighten some of the workload on your full-time employees.
Want to know more about how to keep employees productive in your busiest seasons? Contact the experts at Advance Staffing Solutions today!