As technology continues to become a main part of our lives, companies are utilizing it to find their next employees. This means that you need to be just as involved in technology as companies are, in order to find your next job. One such way to get involved is by utilizing a personal website. A personal website could very well mean the difference between receiving an offer for employment and extended unemployment.
Why a Personal Website?
You might be wondering why you need a personal website to help land a job in Detroit. There are two reasons; a personal website allows you to showcase the work you have performed throughout your career, and it shows potential employers how passionate you are about your work.
Not every industry has the type of work that can be showcased with a personal website, which is why the decision must come down to the line of work that you perform. For example, if you are a freelance writer or designer, it is strongly recommended that you have a personal website that showcases your portfolio. This allows potential employers to see what you have done and what they can expect from you – if hired.
Become a Thought Leader
Aside from showcasing your work, a personal website will also let you become a thought leader within your career or industry. You can increase your credibility as a designer, a writer or a tech professional when you open up an area for conversation on your personal website. The conversation should be related to your industry or career and not get off track at all. Conversations can include projects on which you are currently working, ones on which you would love to work and training seminars you have attended.
Share Expertise
Another benefit of having a personal website is that it will allow you to share your expertise with the rest of the industry. Many personal websites also have blogs, which means that you will be posting content that should be related to what you have done, or are doing right now, in your career. Make sure you do not post any inappropriate or derogatory content about others in your field. Recruiters and employers will easily be able to find your blog, so watch what you post.
Control Personal Brand
If you have a personal website, you will be able to control your personal brand. A personal website allows you to publish the type of brand you want to be known as. You can let the world know who you are as a person and an employee, not just what you have done during your career. The personal website will also let you be yourself as much as possible, which will show employers who you are and what you are like to work with on the job.
If you want to know more about the benefits of a personal website, or need help in general with your job search, contact the staffing experts at Advance Staffing Solutions today!