The cold weather is behind us and the springtime is bringing warmer temperatures and lots of sunshine to Michigan and Ohio … finally! Many workers have been cooped up in their offices, cubicles, and plants for far too long. It’s time to bring the springtime into the workplace with these creative ideas.
Dejunk the office.
Spring is the perfect time to clean up any office space, and this comes down to assigning work teams for some sprucing up. Start by clearing any clutter that’s developed, especially in common areas, hallways, and break areas. Then, wipe things down. Bring more sunshine in by cleaning windows and blinds too. The office should feel light and bright now.
Bring in the green.
Give your office more life and improve the air quality by investing in some beautiful greenery. Work with a local greenhouse to secure fresh plants for every office area. Encourage your employees to bring in their plants too. Hold an impromptu Earth Day celebration and plant some trees on the property around your offices.
Boost spirits.
Schedule some outdoor events to help get employees outside and into some fresh air. Have a picnic in a local park, or invite the families of your employees for an ice cream social at the office. Give out fun prizes and corporate swagger in bright pastel hues. Have a May-Pole dance outside and invite the children of workers to participate.
Encourage some time off.
Your springtime workforce also signals a time to encourage employees to find more work-life balance by taking some much needed time off. Partner with a staffing agency like Advance Staffing Solutions to bring in some temporary employees so your regular employees can schedule vacation time.
Improve incentives.
The spring months often need a little help to increase the morale of the workplace, especially after the brutal winter we had here in Michigan and Ohio. Review your current employee incentive programs and see if you can make them better. Create some fun competitions in the office that allow employees to shine in front of their peers, then assign incentive to performance goals.
Host a wellness event.
Many times, employees are hoping to shed some weight and get fit as they head into the summer months ahead (and bathing suit season). Support this effort by introducing a wellness program at the office. Launch it with a wellness event held on campus.
Work on a cause.
In the spring, companies can also start focusing on community causes that need support. Nonprofits like Habitat for Humanity, local pet shelters, and even nearby schools can always use a helping hand. Organize a team of employees to spend a day building a new home for a deserving family and see how this experience brings people closer.
Need help creating a workforce that shines this spring? Click here to partner with Advance Staffing Solutions today!