Working at a temporary job can be rewarding, but a little uncertain at times too. The reason for this is that a temporary job fulfills your need for income and gives you the chance to focus on your career goals. But, on the other hand, you know that the temp job may not always lead to full-time employment.
We have compiled five key points you can put into action if you want to turn your temp jobs into a full-time career.
Make Yourself Visible
Aside from being hired for the temporary position, a key point here is to be visible at the company. Not many people will know who you are as a new temp, so be sure to introduce yourself on your first and subsequent days on the job. Learn the names of all your immediate co-workers and supervisors. When we say be visible, we mean be visible in a positive manner. Do not bring attention to yourself via negative language, actions or poor job performance. One way to get noticed is to arrive at work early and to leave late whenever you can.
Be Open to New Tasks
What temporary workers need to realize is that they might be asked to perform some menial tasks or even some brand new ones while on the job. Accept these assignments with a smile and an open-mind that they could lead to bigger and better ones. Do not complain and make sure you thank superiors for the projects and let them know when you can begin another one. To make this as easy as possible, go into the first day of the job with the mindset that no task is beneath you.
Dress for Success at Work
Just because you are a temporary employee, it does not mean that you should report to work in jeans and a t-shirt each day. If you dress for the job that you want, you will be leaving a good impression with your superiors. It is absolutely fine to be overdressed for your position instead of being dressed a level below the rest of the employees in the building.
Socialize as Little as Possible
Although it’s important to be friendly with co-workers and clients, excessive socializing can actually be the downfall of your temporary position. Even if you do not do it often, the boss might walk by your co-worker’s desk each time you happen to be standing there having a conversation. Do not let this ruin your chances of becoming a full-time employee with the company. Socialize as little as possible and focus on your work every chance you get.
Do Not Sprint to the Finish Line
No one wants to stay late into the night to complete a project after coming into work early in the morning. It is understandable, but it is also the nature of the beast. Do not bolt for the door when the clock hits 5 PM each day. Instead, stay for a little bit to work on an assignment or to begin a new one. This will show your superiors how determined you are to extend your employment with the company.
If you are looking for temp employment in Monroe MI, contact our team today.