Deciding to take you career in an entirely new direction is a big step. Not only is there substantial work involved, but it can also be hard to admit that you changed your mind about the future of your working life. Some people feel guilty for wanting to try something different, even when it is the right thing to do. However, there is no need to hark on yourself for following a dream.
At some point in life, we all change our minds. And our careers are not excluded from this possibility. Just because you want to go in a new direction doesn’t mean that your other efforts were a mistake. Instead, consider them a learning experience that allows you to understand better what you do want to do, or at least what you want to do next.
To help make the transition smoother, here is some advice to get you started.
Decide What You Want
Concluding that you need a change is only the beginning of your journey; you need to know where that journey will lead. It doesn’t make sense to plan to exit your career when you have no idea where you will go next. Use the idea of moving on to motivate you to explore where you ultimately want to end up.
If you need some help picking a new field, consider trying career assessment tests. There are a wide variety available, and many can be accessed through a multitude of online portals. Feel free to try a few out and see if certain themes appear as these may indicate which options you should consider most.
Assess Your Skills
Once you know what you want to do, you need to make sure that you can actually do it. Begin by examining your current skills and how they translate into your new career plan. Some skills are fairly universal, such as basic computer skills, and will transition over nicely. Soft skills are also valuable in any field, so your experience in those areas should serve you well in the future.
After determining which skills you already possess, it is time to look at the ones you are missing. Then you can create a plan to cover any skill gaps that may hold you back from pursuing your new career.
Lean on Your Network
Besides needing support for the transition, your network may be able to connect you to new opportunities that match your intended destination. Many people find jobs through the people they know or the people in their extended network. Keep those closest to you, personally and professionally, in the loop as much as possible, as long as it doesn’t jeopardize your current position.
Having other people keeping an eye out for you is likely to be beneficial. Even if you find new opportunities on your own, you will have the emotional support available to take on the new challenges you have decided to take on.
If you need help seeing where your skills can take you, or what opportunities are available in your new field, Advance Staffing Solutions has the expertise to help you explore your options. Contact us today and see what the future can hold.