Many candidates wonder if having a job makes finding a new one easier. It’s a common concern for unemployed individuals, particularly if they’ve been struggling to land opportunities. However, it may also worry professionals who are currently working in a bad job, as they may fear that quitting before securing something new will make their upcoming job search harder.
Ultimately, it’s possible to land a new position regardless of your current employment status. However, there are situations where having a job while you’re looking for a new one could make things a bit easier.
Wondering how to get hired to a new position? Here’s everything to know.
Preventing a New Gap on Your Resume
While not all employers view the occasional gap on a resume as an issue, others see it as a red flag. If you’re currently in a position, you aren’t creating a new gap on your resume. Even if you had one or two in the past, employers might be more likely to overlook them, as they aren’t reflective of your present. As a result, you aren’t fighting an uphill battle in this regard, which can work in your favor.
This is particularly important since you may not know how long it will take to find a new job. If you quit, the resume gap continues to grow the longer your job search takes. As a result, what may have looked like a small period of unemployment can stretch into weeks or months, increasing the difficulty of finding a new opportunity as more time passes.
Avoiding Certain Difficult Interview Questions
While those currently working may have to answer questions about why they want to leave their position, they typically avoid certain other tricky inquiries. For instance, they won’t have to talk about why they choose to quit without something else lined up, which can be surprisingly challenging when you’re also trying to avoid badmouthing a past employer.
Ultimately, by having a job currently, you can sidestep some of the more uncomfortable questions an unemployed person may face. As a result, you might make a better initial impression.
Providing References
When it comes to references, having a job may be beneficial in two potential ways. First, if you meet or exceed expectations at your workplace, you may be able to offer contact information for a current colleague or manager. Often, hiring managers view these references as the most relevant, as they’re from professionals who know your capabilities as they are today.
Second, remaining in a position could help you avoid negative references relating to a bad job. Most hiring managers understand that candidates may not want to alert their current employer about their job search. As a result, you can provide alternative references that will speak well of you, even if they’re from a past position or from another source.
Being Selective
Unless you have ample savings to cover a period of unemployment, handling a job search while you’re currently employed gives you the ability to be selective. You aren’t having to make career decisions based on securing an income as quickly as possible. Instead, your financial house can remain in order until you find something new.
Contact the Advance Group Today
While the points above don’t mean that unemployed job seekers can’t secure a position, it does highlight why launching a search while you’re currently employed can work in your favor. If you want to find a new opportunity – regardless of whether you’re working in a position at this time or not – the team at The Advance Group wants to hear from you. Contact us today.