Happy 10th Anniversary, Tara Robinson!

  To celebrate Tara Robinson’s 10th year with The Advance Group, we sat down with her for a Q & A session.  Here are a few highlights to enjoy:   Q: What charity do you support? A: Covenant House provides housing and supportive services to youth facing homelessness.  Incorporated in 1972, Covenant House has been […]

Continuing Employee Education Is a Simple Perk You Need to Offer

Many companies struggle to justify continuing education for their employees, causing them not to offer the opportunity. As a line item, it doesn’t appear to positively impact revenue, leading many businesses to underestimate the value of this kind of training. That can be a severe mistake. Continuing employee education is incredibly beneficial, both to the […]

5 Skills All Quality Control Jobs Require

All jobs require specific skill sets. If you want to thrive in a quality control position, you need to bring the right capabilities to the table. Regardless of the industry, most QA employees have to shine in specific areas. If you want to make sure your skillset is up to the task, here are five […]

Background Checks Have Changed in 2020: What’s New?

The background check landscaping is changing. Many states and cities are creating new rules regarding what employers can and can’t do. Failing to follow the laws typically comes with some pretty severe consequences, both legally and financially. As a result, it’s critical to keep an eye on what’s new when it comes to background checks, […]

Your Onboarding Needs an Overhaul

When you bring in a new hire, first impressions matter. Your company’s onboarding process impacts how they perceive their new employer. Additionally, it can either set them up for success or increase their odds of failure. Without an effective onboarding process, a new employee may feel ill-prepared. If that’s the case, it may take them […]

What Is a Day in the Life of an Assembler Like?

Many professionals find assembly positions incredibly rewarding. It’s the kind of job where you can see real-world results each and every day. Your efforts translate into something tangible, giving you visual proof about how hard you’ve worked. While the job title gives a strong indication about the tasks assemblers handle, many who haven’t worked in […]