While heading to work isn’t necessarily the most fun thing in your life, it shouldn’t feel like the worst one either. And, if you have a feeling of dread while getting ready every day, week after week, that is often a sign that it is time for a change. But figuring out what kind of change you need isn’t always easy. Maybe you simply need to find a similar position with a new employer. Or maybe you need an entirely new career.
If you find yourself question which direction is right for you, here are some points to consider along your way to an answer.
Am I Passionate About the Field?
Your first point to ponder should be whether you feel any passion for your field of work. This helps you review whether your career path has potential based on the bigger picture of how it fits into a company while factoring out what it is like to do the job with your current employer.
Generally, if you aren’t happy with your job, it is hard to feel passion for anything about it. But you need to see if the ideas behind your chosen field still inspire any sense of excitement or at least interest. If the answer is yes, then a simple job change might do the trick. However, if the answer is no, a new career may be on the horizon.
Do I Take Pride in What I Do?
Again, this question needs to be separated from your current employer and focused on your field. For example, if you meet someone new and they ask what you do for a living, do you consider it a point of pride to tell them? Or do you try to hide it or avoid the subject?
If the idea of sharing your job title or field of work gives you a positive feeling, then changing employers may fit the bill. But, if you would rather hide that detail from those you meet, then a career change might be the better course of action.
Do I Enjoy Using My Professional Skills?
As we move along in a career, we have a chance to develop and use specific skills. But, just because we are able to do something doesn’t mean we enjoy it. Granted, not every job duty is going to inspire you to push through your day. However, it is important that those you regularly use in your career are at least pleasant experiences.
Try to determine if you could keep doing the same, job specific requirements as you move through your career. If that idea fills you with dread, then other options should be explored. If it sounds great, then a new environment may be all you need.
Am I Fulfilled?
Sometimes, the biggest question is to decide if you feel like you are missing out on something you desperately need. And, if so, what exactly is the missing part.
A lack of fulfillment can make a job feel more like a cage than an opportunity. If you feel an undeniable pull to do something else, then you should explore that further. And that doesn’t mean you have to jump ship right away, but at least figure out what it would take to make that change a reality. Then, you can make an informed decision about pursuing an option that gives you that missing piece of the puzzle.
If you are looking for a new job or an entirely new career, The Advance Group can help you explore your options. Contact us and see whether a change is just what you need to feel like you are getting everything you need out of life.