What Is a Day in the Life of an Assembler Like?

Many professionals find assembly positions incredibly rewarding. It’s the kind of job where you can see real-world results each and every day. Your efforts translate into something tangible, giving you visual proof about how hard you’ve worked. While the job title gives a strong indication about the tasks assemblers handle, many who haven’t worked in […]

What Are Job Seekers Looking for in an Employer? (And Do You Have It?)

Securing the best and brightest talent can be a challenge. Often, employers focus on their needs above all else, putting a significant amount of effort into finding and retaining professionals who can help them excel. The issue is, if your company doesn’t have a strong enough employer value proposition, keeping your top performers on board […]

The Blueprint to a Better Machinist Job Search

Managing a machinist job search isn’t easy. Often, it takes a lot of time and energy, even if you’re an exceptional candidate. But that doesn’t mean you can expedite your search. By taking the right steps, you can position yourself in the best light, increasing the odds that you’ll land an interview and ultimately secure […]

Never Call Yourself This…

As the coronavirus outbreak fundamentally altered the daily lives of people all across the globe, more than 17 million Americans found themselves without a job in a matter of weeks. For the vast majority, it’s was entirely unexpected. Additionally, the job loss had nothing to do with their capabilities or performance; it was merely a […]

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” ~Sun Tzu

Many of our workers were displaced from their “normal” jobs and moved to essential positions, some in different companies.  What a great example of working together to make a difference in the lives of so many people. This is what one of our employees, Asia T., had to say about her new assignment through The […]