6 Things to Include in Your Interview Follow up Email

Once you have had your job interview with a dream company, the next logical step is to follow-up with the company representative soon afterwards. Very often, the preferred method for accomplishing this is by sending a friendly and professional email to check in a few days later. After all, email is the way that millions […]

How Temp Work is Affected by the ACA

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act or ACA went into effect across the USA to provide employees with health care insurance coverage options. As part of an initiative to boost the health and wellness of the average American, so far the ACA has enrolled millions of hard working people into qualified health care plans. Yet, […]

Why you Lose Talented Candidates. Give Timely Feedback

Have you ever interviewed the perfect candidate, but as just soon as you make the job offer they inform you that they’ve accepted another job already? No hiring manager wants to lose talented candidates because it means starting over in the process of finding another. While you may be wondering what is going wrong, if […]

What is workers’ comp and how do I file a claim?

Getting injured at work is something that all employees should do their best to avoid. After all, it can be costly both to your health and finances to miss work due to an injury. However, if you are accidentally hurt while at work, your employer must cover your medical costs and a portion of your […]

5 Steps for Optimizing Your Online Job Description

When candidates start looking for work often times the first place they will begin is on the Internet. Online job descriptions created by human resource and recruitment teams are generally how candidates find out about the qualifications and requirements of each job type. Sometimes job descriptions are included as part of job advertisements themselves or […]

Advice for Managers Who Want Their Temp Employees to Respect Them

Working as a manager at a company that employs temporary workers can pose new challenges. In the first place, you are working with people who come and go every couple of months, so it can be hard to build a personal and working relationship with those employees. Managers may also worry about earning respect from […]