Text Is the New Email: Are You Using It?

In most workplaces, email has long been the standard approach for communication. The issue is, email isn’t what many of today’s candidates and professionals prefer. Instead, many Millennial and Gen Z candidates and employees actually favor texting over email. When a workplace doesn’t use texting, they are missing out on critical opportunities. Their recruitment efforts […]

Does Your Communication Style Hurt Your Company Culture?

Communication is crucial to any company’s success. When information doesn’t flow freely, the resulting bottlenecks and siloes can lead to struggles. Not all employees are working with the most current data, which can lead to issues with output quality, divided priorities, and more. Plus, poor communication harms morale. If employees have to redo work because […]

5 Uncommon Places to Find Your Next Employee

When you need to find top talent for an open position, it’s common to turn to resources like job boards to find candidates. The issue is, when there’s a talent shortage, traditional approaches may not yield the best results. Instead, you need to get a bit creative and turn to resources that your competitors aren’t […]

The Skill Shortage Is Real. How Are You Finding Top Talent?

Between skill gaps and a general talent shortage, companies are increasingly difficult to find the employees they need to thrive. While the situation can seem dire, that doesn’t mean organizations can’t take steps to stay on target. By using the right hiring approach, securing top talent becomes easier. If you aren’t sure where to begin, […]

What Are You Doing to Meet Workers’ New Expectations?

Today, the landscape is changing. While many assumed that companies would have little trouble attracting and retaining workers after the pandemic, that isn’t what occurred. Instead, the workforce has new expectations of their employers, and the labor market is firmly in workers’ hands for the first time in years. If companies want to attract and […]

Going Forward Every Manager Will Need These 3 Skills

While vaccine rollouts have been ongoing and re-opening processes are well underway, uncertainty remains. Many employees are dealing with a range of fears that weren’t common in the pre-pandemic landscape. Additionally, work paradigms have changed significantly, and many will remain altered for quite some time. If a manager is going to navigate this new world […]